[VIDEO] Put the Power of Collaborative Relationships to Work

In 2016, you may be focused on business results and enabling your top performers to work at their potential. Unfortunately, many business executives overlook one critical component to reach or exceed their goals:

Underestimating the human factor. 

The fact is results are directly tied to relationships. Top performers consistently build and faithfully sustain productive partnerships with internal and external stakeholders. In the following video, we explain why organizations run into problems when they focus too much on the process and fail to account for the dramatic effect people’s emotions, reactions and interactions can have on the outcomes.

Contact Upsurge Advisors today to answer the following questions for your organization: 

  • Why do are we paying outside firms for services when we have identical capabilities internally?
  • Why do so many projects experience overruns and missed deadlines?
  • What makes it so difficult for some people to meet their objectives?